The Carnival
origen of carnival
kinds of carnival
carnival in santiago (chile)

While the carnival is generally understood as popular festival, where it is practiced in many countries. In these celebrations the people participate directly where the people dress up, also used masks and go out to the streets to enjoy of the activity together with the troupes and colorful groups.
Even though from his pagan origin historically Christian the carnival has another significance, because can be understood as a particular form of manifestation artistic and political, making use of public space which seeks reclaim the use of this space.

There are many kinds of carnival, being the most popular the carnival of Rio, El carnival de Uruguay with his murgas, Bolivia with the carnival of Oruro, Peru with the carnival of Puno, etc. What they all share is that consider like carnival, but all has their a different purpose. Because some be religious and other just a popular party.

In Chile primarily Santiago, the reasons to make a carnival is, for example the commemoration of land take over, to make visible the different situations and  social demands  of diverse populations of the city, or to celebrate the popular organization and work in community totally self-managed any participation of state or government institution. An example of this, can be the carnival of “ La Victoria”, the carnival of “La Legua”, “ Lo Espejo”, “ La Loma”, among other. 

In conclusion the carnival is not only a popular festival to have a good time (which is true), but also has other background, for example political and resistance.



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