blog 5

Hello everyone! On this occasion, to continue with what was stated in the previous post, I present a photo of the carnival we tripantu (mapuche new year) This photo was taken by Julieta Melo, on June 23 of this year, in neighborhood Los Copihues, and captures the exact moment when the carnival begins. I like it, because I think it reflects all the effort and previous work, preparation in every sense, before the parade. Shows the staging of one of the many comparsas participating in this ceremony, noting the dedication of both their costumes, and the making of their masks, to be able to personify properly, worth the redundancy of their character. Finally, this carnival is celebrated to commemorate the season or the beginning of a new year known as we tripantu, inti raimi, aringa ora or koro. The particulary it has, is that it is celebrated no matter on June 23, independent day it falls, if it's Wednesday, Thursday, etc. regards