

Alternative Medicine: Marijuana Marijuana is a psychoactive substance, which during whose consumption has manifested an increase in several social sectors, as well as in different age ranges. Most people who usually consume it, tend to do it for recreational purposes, socialization or relaxation. While in our country, its consumption has been much more normalized than it used to be, it is often forgotten that this substance can also be consumed with medicinal purposes, which is why then we will talk about marijuana as an alternative medicine. Marijuana The cannabis plant, better known as marijuana, has a psychoactive chemical factor (THC) that is behind all the effects that this substance causes when it is ingested. Some of those effects allow this plant to have therapeutic and medicinal properties. Within the history of the use of this plant, beyond being used for the textile area, such as to manufacture paper and fuel, it is used medicinally as already mentioned, being...


The Carnival origen of carnival kinds of carnival carnival in santiago (chile) conclusion  While the carnival is generally understood as popular festival, where it is practiced in many countries. In these celebrations the people participate directly where the people dress up, also used masks and go out to the streets to enjoy of the activity together with the troupes and colorful groups. Even though from his pagan origin historically Christian the carnival has another significance, because can be understood as a particular form of manifestation artistic and political, making use of public space which seeks reclaim the use of this space. There are many kinds of carnival, being the most popular the carnival of Rio, El carnival de Uruguay with his murgas, Bolivia with the carnival of Oruro, Peru with the carnival of Puno, etc. What they all share is that consider like carnival, but all has their a different purpose. Because some be religious and other just a popular p...


The purpose of this report is to describe my experience in the popular community school. The school was born in 2006 with the purpose of transmitting knowledge in a horizontal and popular way, through the selfless contribution not only of teachers as such, but of people with some knowledge they wish to share.   My work during the six weeks in which I worked for the school, consisted in the creation of workshops with a work team, aimed at children and adolescents between 6 to 14 years. The workshops consisted of specific games, where young people could develop their artistic and creative side, where at the same time they could express a message that they considered convenient. The workshops end with a presentation to the community, with the aim of making known the way in which children and young people have developed skills, through the tools that have been provided. In general, the 6 weeks I was in school turned out to be a great benefit for my training as a socia...

the radio

The Radio: the best invention of the human Nowadays the technology has given a significant role in a society, because it has served us well, to foster certain situations or helping us do the simplest things.   On the other side the technology contributes to the development of society, whenever possible is use for the benefit of the entire community.                                                                                                                                                  Here below be mentioned a technological object, which allows enjoy the music primarily and the communication. This obje...
the popular arts Background: Chile is a country with broad cultural diversity, and the expression of this fall back onto to the elite, in others words the art are not available to the public. Although in this country there are places with free admission, is not the case for the majority of place where make artistic expression, for example the teathre or institution by need pay for enter, limiting certain sectors. For this reason, have been create forms the popular art with free admission, that resist the form secreted of make art. Additionally this is a form to make politic and create a transformation social. Inclusive the popular art has been very important, for example in military dictatorship, the arpilleras and cueca sola, has been form of manifest of popular art. Problem: Basically the problem is that the state has not taken of this theme, because only offer very few instances, where the accesses to the cultural and art has been free admission and constant.  So for thi...
Popular educational and art Nowadays the society in which we live is evident that there is a problem that has not been resolved. This problem is the education. At present in Chile, the education it has become in a utopia, that only be for the few. Being the people with less possibilities the most harmed, because they are denying the necessary tool to be liberated and them to have more autonomy. In relation to this, in certain territories the popular educational is an essential tool at has created a way of the popular organization, the transmission of knowledge and a way to emancipate, because this type of education is intended for the oppressed forces. This way of raise connected with the art, creates people more sensitive and aware of their environment.


Bárbara Díaz Muñoz is a student of undergraduate program. She started studyng social work in Universidad of Chile in the 2018. She decided to study at Universidad of Chile, for the reputation of the institution and the perspective that University offers, which is very critical and linked to the social transformation. In this respect, she is prepared to face the system and society that reproduces and legitimates all the social inequality. The lady Bárbara Díaz, has a good theoretical basis, taking good academic results, highlighted in many subjects of the career, for example social psychology, social history of Chile, sociology among others.   She was assistant of epistemology and she was academic tutor In addition, she has skills associated to the social organization and creation of community, because, at present, she takes part of “organization” which helps us, in specific the people that live in population   to organize through of territory and sense of belongi...