
The purpose of this report is to describe my experience in the popular community school.

The school was born in 2006 with the purpose of transmitting knowledge in a horizontal and popular way, through the selfless contribution not only of teachers as such, but of people with some knowledge they wish to share.

 My work during the six weeks in which I worked for the school, consisted in the creation of workshops with a work team, aimed at children and adolescents between 6 to 14 years.

The workshops consisted of specific games, where young people could develop their artistic and creative side, where at the same time they could express a message that they considered convenient. The workshops end with a presentation to the community, with the aim of making known the way in which children and young people have developed skills, through the tools that have been provided.

In general, the 6 weeks I was in school turned out to be a great benefit for my training as a social worker, since I learned to organize and manage based on self-management, to coexist with a diverse team and from there to manage so the project arises, developing soft skills, and applying those already acquired.

In conclusion, I recommend the work space that is given in the school, a space too warm and fraternal, where you work directly with the people to whom you intend to benefit, learning at the same time from themselves. Therefore, I do not doubt that more social workers make use of this step to socially intervene certain aspects


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